Why I Came Out…

Hmmmmmm…. I’ve sat with this question a lot lately and even before I decided to share my position on v@ccines. I had always been vocal in my personal life about where I stood in regard to immunizations. I would in no way say that I am anti-vaxxx and honestly think it has become kind of a slur to put individuals down and discredit them from having a voice. It is my belief that every parent and human should have a say in what they put in their body. If you believe that v@ccines are the right choice for your family, then more power to you! If you believe that they don’t make sense for the health and well being to the members of your family, then you have the right to that opinion too.

What I am not onboard with is a governmental body mandating what I am supposed to put in my kids body. It is an overstep, to say the least. And when this said governmental body says that in order for my kid to retain their constitutional right to education, that we must go against what we believe as a family and potentially harm our kids, well that’s downright draconian.

So when this idea of my kids being unable to attend the school of their choice due to governmental intervention, I knew it was time to get loud not just in my personal life, but in my social media life as well. My social channels and blog then took on a very different meaning for me. My life now became centered on how to use my voice to inform and to create an intentional community with like minded people and parents as well individuals and families willing to listen with open hearts and minds.

When I stepped into the light and decided to step out of hiding, I knew there would be backlash. I knew that not everyone was going to agree with me, that some would be angry with my position, and that I would lose current brand deals and potential partnerships because of my stance. In my gut I knew that my life and my decision to put myself on display had to add up to more than just cute outfits. I had to make an impact. Even though the backbone of my blog and platform is style and momming, and this will never change, I knew it was time I had to get loud. 

Before diving into the reason I knew it was time to come out, I’ll need to supply a little history lesson of v@ccination legislation from the last few years. Before 2015, in the US, if you wanted to go to school, but either didn’t believe in v@ccines, had religious beliefs that disagreed with the vaccine program, or had medical reasons to not immunize your kids, you had an out. PBE (or Personal Belief Exemptions) allowed to you take a stance and opt out if you so desired. Then, in 2015, Senator Pan brought to the Senate SB277. This bill took away PBE and Religious Exemptions, but allowed Medical Exemptions (or MEs) based on either prior adverse reactions to v@ccines, family history/genetic susceptibility, or other medical issues that deemed it unsafe to be immunized.

Fast forward to present day. SB276 has now come on the “market”. This bill will virtually eliminate all valid and necessary MEs due to the strictness of the language laid out. The only valid exemptions will be based on CDC contraindications including: Anaphylactic shock, encephalopathy (brain swelling), hypersensitivity to yeast (Hep B only), and severe immundofiency (MMR and varicella only). This means, if someone has any of these reactions, you may be exempt from that ONE specific v@ccine, but required to still stay on the vaccine program and schedule for all other shots. If you have ever had any of these reactions, they are deadly, and do not represent even a fraction of the OTHER reactions including: Encephalitis, seizures, spinal cord paralysis, diabetes, limb paralysis, pneumonia, permanent arthritis, facial nerve paralasis, eczema, IBS, blood clots, etc etc etc… To put it into context, if your child had any of the other contraindications (i.e. onset multiple sclerosis, Kawasaki disease, nerve deafness, tremors, etc) your child would still be forced to get the rest of his/her scheduled shots. Not to mention that there are about 40 v@ccines in the Big Pharma pipeline that could be potentially added to the scheduled. THAT’S FUCKING FRIGHTENING…

This bill attacks the .7% of school aged children with medical exemptions!! .7% they say are causing the “outbreaks” that have happened is such places as Los Angeles and NY, when in fact, the majority of cases are coming from unvaccinated adults. The government is attacking a minuscule amount of children that are not causing these infectious disease. It is adults and the v@ccines themselves that are raising the incidence of infectious disease, not the children that are ill or potentially could have deadly reactions to the strict schedule of 172 immunizations by the time they are 18.

Since this bill came out, this was the time I decided it was time to get loud. Now was the time to spark change and show my girls that I did not shut up and take it. That I didn’t jsit on the sidelines and just disagree with history… I tried to change history. For them… this is all for them… for their kids to have body autonomy and to make the choices they want for themselves and their own families. I decided to get loud for the kids who have not yet been injured, the kids whose lives are not their own anymore and need 24/7 care, and the kids who are no longer with us.

Again, I have to say I am not anti-v@xx. I am pro-parental rights… I am pro-doctor/patient relationship… I am pro-whatever the fuck you want to be. END OF STORY

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