why social media isn’t everything

When I first started looking into the world of blogging, social media was the first stop. I scoured Instagram to get an idea of how it all worked. I soon realized that a big part of creating an online presence was establishing a following on social media, but I soon figured out, that social media isn’t everything.

People may say I’m crazy. That social media is the end all for influencer marketing, marketing as a whole, or it’s the only way yo stay relevant. These all may be very true, but if you aren’t creating a platform of your very own, then you are susceptible to anything that happens with that uncontrollable space.

Why Social Media Isn't Everything Styled and Disturbed Why Social Media Isn't Everything Styled and Disturbed Why Social Media Isn't Everything Styled and Disturbed

Creating a platform of your own can be anything from a blog, a website, etc that is hosted and controlled by YOU. If Instagram, Vimeo, Twitter, Pinterest, blah blah blah were to collapse tomorrow, and if that was the only space that hosted your content, you’d be fucked. If your account got hacked and all of your content lived on that hacked account, you’d be fucked. If a platform decided to make every piece of content undiscoverable without paying a fee and you didn’t have the coin to make this happen, you’d be fucked. The list goes on and on.

It is so important to create a community on social media, to create intentional engagement, and to attract people who truly love what you are creating. But if you aren’t creating a hub for all of these amazing people to go back to (think about having Saved By the Bell with no “The Max”), you are a prisoner to anything that third party platform throws at you… good or bad.

Why Social Media Isn't Everything Styled and Disturbed Why Social Media Isn't Everything Styled and Disturbed Why Social Media Isn't Everything Styled and Disturbed

Bottom line: If you are a blog, a business, or Jenny from anywhere USA and have a voice you want shared with the world, it’s so important to create something solely yours on your terms. I’m basically urging you to be the boss bitch of your life and to control your shit. Without it, you’re basically an asshole in room full of pink dildos. That doesn’t make any sense, but you catch my drift…

Why Social Media Isn't Everything Styled and Disturbed

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